Alpena township, MI Rankings

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Alpena Township, MI is ranked highly in many key indicators of quality of life. According to BestPlaces, Alpena Township has an overall score of 66 out of 100, which puts it in the top quarter of all townships across the U.S. In particular, it has strong rankings for its community and environment scores—both with a rating of 83 out of 100. The township is also very safe with a crime rate lower than national averages and the cost of living being 9 percent below the national average. This makes it an attractive destination for people looking for a high quality life at an affordable price. Additionally, Alpena Township residents enjoy access to beautiful natural surroundings and plenty of recreational activities including parks, lakes, beaches, and golf courses. All these factors contribute to why Alpena Township is one of the top townships in Michigan in terms of livability and quality of life.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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